Tuesday, June 2, 2009

So far...

We've been home with Addie for 1 week and 2 days. So far, pretty good. Dean's adjusting fairly well. And by that I mean, he's peed his pants twice in the last 2 days (after no accidents for weeks!), throws toys, and generally disobeys most things we ask or tell him. He does have his pleasant moments, when he's asked to be mommys big helper and get Addies wipes, or something. And he's great with her. He loves to kiss and touch her... and would do so constantly if I didn't make him give her a break.

The first few days home, Addie slept like a gem, and only made noise when she was hungry or wet. Well, she still mostly only makes noise for those reasons, but as far as sleep goes... well, she's not so sure about it. This girl fights sleep like it's her job! We're talking staying awake for 4 hour stretches! Poor thing, I know she's exhausted, but as soon as she realizes she's drifting off to dreamland, her eyes shoot open. Yesterday she was awake for 6 hours easily. 6 hours!! She's content if she's being held, of course... but put her down and she's fairly fussy.

Matt went back to work yesterday, and I must admit, I miss having him home like crazy! I was spoiled having him home for a whole week with us. He was so much help, taking charge of Dean pretty much completely, letting me sleep whenever I wanted for however long I needed, and being my personal chef. What more could I ask for? Thanks babe... I LOVE YOU!

We haven't really done a whole lot since being home... aside from taking the kids to the doctors office to have Addie weighed, and to have my staples removed (ouch!). We also went to Olive Garden last friday night, to meet up with some of my friends from back home. And oh, we had Addies newborn pictures taken Sunday afternoon. I guess we've actually done quite a bit. Since I can't drive though, and Matt's gone back to work, we'll be sticking close to home, except for Thursday's doctors appt. for Addie.

I haven't quite gotten the hang of having two kids yet. So my house is a mess, the laundry is piled high, I look like I've been hit by a bus, and most days Dean can be found in a t-shirt and a pair of underwear. But Matt still loves me, so the rest will be ok. I'll get around to it eventually.

Stay posted... baby Max is soon to be born, and I'll upload pics as soon as he gets here!

For now... a few sample pictures from our little photo session Sunday (ok... so the pics uploaded on top... lame.)


Michelle Perry said...

She's so cute. Go in to edit post, click on your picture, drag it and drop it wherever you want it. :) Hang in there, it gets easier.

Ashley and Brett said...

Cute cute! I can totally see me saying all these same things in 5 months! Glad you are going through it first, add pointers when you have the hang of things!!!

That Girl said...


All those exclamation points are completely justifiable.