Ok, so I know I don't have any little girls of my own yet, but how can anyone resist making those adorable flower headbands! Tonight was our relief society enrichment activity and that's what we made. I am now hooked! My sister Marie went with me and we had so much fun, I even learned how to sew... a little. I thought I'd just go to make a few cute accessories for my friend Tiffany's little one on the way, but now I want to make them for everyone! Every girl needs them... one for each outfit I think! The actual headbands are so simple to make, you just need tights of any color ( I made two brown, two black, and two white... and am planning to make two cream. ) and a hot glue gun, or you can sew them if you prefer. The flower part is the most fun, and you don't have to be creative to do it, hello... i'm proof of that! Anyway, I made a few small flower clips for newborn babies, since the big flowers would take up a newborns entire head! I made some large ones too, for when the girls get a bit bigger. ( sidenote: "the girls" refers to the girls I end up giving them to. )
I'm hoping to post pictures of the ones i made tonight... as soon as I figure out how. And tomorrow I'll head over to Marie's to make some more, plus a few new ideas... we'll see how they turn out!
Joshua Tree
17 hours ago