Monday, June 21, 2010

13 months

Well... if I'm being truthful, I didn't update this month and so it'll probably be a short post because Addie girl has started doing other things and I have a hard time remembering what she knew between her 12th and 14th months. Oops!

Anyway, I'll post a few pictures of the little sweets and tell you the few things I know she was doing this month.
*Signs more
*Loves to pull her bow out and then try to put it back it.
*loves to pull out any clip I may be wearing, then try to put it in my hair and then her own. She's never successful, and so I do it for her and the game starts all over.
*walks... a little little bit. like, 2 or 3 steps. she's still just occasionally trying it out, but her method of movement is really crawling still
*only 2 teeth... still. poor girl has to gum everything she eats.
*got really sick this month for a few days. during that time all she was really eating/drinking was pedialyte and the occasional cracker. she lost about a pound and her appetite has never been the same since. going without her regular food for so long made her hesitant about retrying anything, and so now she's a bot more picky. : /

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