Thursday, July 29, 2010

It's time for a post about Deano

I'm feeling a little guilty for all of the recent posts about Addie. You'd think I only had 1 kid, so I think it's time to do a little bragging about my growing boy!

These days Deano-
*is registered for preschool!?! He'll be going to The Avondale Academy at the end of August and he is so so excited! Everytime we drive my he says "that's my school!". The beauty of this place in that it's only about a 3 minute drive from the house.
*is OBSESSED with the super hero squad. He's moved on from ghostbusters and has put all of his intrest from that to the super heroes. He's got loads of action figures and almost always has them battleing eachother in some way or other. Occasionally he take out plastic forks and puts them between his fingers to pretend he's wolverine. He's such a character!
*is recognizing numbers and letters
*is learning how to use a computer
*has a new interest in watching Veggie Tales, which I think is great, since it's got a great message.
*is able to wear his first pair of flip flops. In the past I've bought them for him, but his feet were always too chubby to fit into them, now they're perfect. And... he can put them on by himself! Score!
*isn't willing to eat a huge variety of foods. Chicken nuggets from McDonalds, Dinosaur Chicken, most fruits, no veggies aside from corn and peas, unless I sneak them into something. : /
*loves to run around the house throwing himself all over the couches.
*is working on not using pull ups for nighttime... which is proving to be a little difficult since he's such a sound sleeper.

Deano is generally a happy kind kid. He doesn't mind sharing at all, just so long as no one tries to take his toys home with them. He HATES change... doesn't like furniture to be moved around, or toys to be transferred to knew toy bins, he's a funny boy. Even if I move is carseat around in the car, he hates it.

Love my boy!

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