Wednesday, March 31, 2010

bum party

*3/31- dean said:

"mom, my cars are having a bum party."

i wasn't sure what that was, and i wasn't sure he had any idea of what it might be either. sure enough i saw a group of cars each paired off with their back bumpers touching. definitely a bum party! hahaha

*3/31- dean held up a small stuff horse and said:

"mom, this in henry the helpful horse."

*sometime mid march- dean was in another room playing a game he was obviously winning, because he went from quiet to:

"i-i-i-i-i-win! go dean. go dean. go dean!"
*4/23- lyn and i had taken the kids to the mall and on our ride home we may have let a few naughty words slip... things like hate and stupid. dean had to tell us more than once:
"hey! that's a naughty word, you don't say that."
to which we said sorry and he replied:
"it's ok."
so quick to forgive.
*all of april- almost daily dean finds a treat or snack that i tell him he can't have at the moment because he's either already had candy for the day or it's almosts time for a meal. he always replies with:
"ok, i'll save this for later in a bag."
at that point he puts whatever he's saving into a little ziplock bag and puts it in the fridge. i usually forget about it until later that night after he's gone to bed when i open the fridge to find random things that don't belong there like a granola bar, or pop tarts, or lollipops. i'm pretty sure i'll miss the day i open the fridge and don't find some silly reminder that my 3 year old has been there.
*first week of april- ty ty went to florida with his family and sent me a text to tell dean that he was about to ride the hulk roller coaster. (dean is very into anything super hero squad lately.) when i told dean he was so excited! he said:
d-"should we go ride on it mom?!"
me-"i think it's too far away for us to go ride."
d-"well, should we take a plane?"
a little later he said:
"i need a plane mom."
i said: "why bud?"
d-"so i can get to the hulk coaster."

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