Thursday, September 3, 2009

Addie's 3 months!

note: This post is nearly a month late, but I wanted to do it, so that I had a few things recorded.

I painted her toe nails for the first time! Hot pink! She was sound asleep in her car seat, so I had to take advantage. I'm in love!

Addie loves her bouncer most of the time. She's usually got the pig, cow, or rooster in her slobbery little mouth. If the toys aren't in her mouth, she's talking.

This was her first trip to Park City. Unfortunately, it started to rain and hail shortly after we got there, so I don't have any other pictures. Sad.

This was Addie's first try in her bumbo. She liked it for a few minutes, but I think it got a little overwhelming for her. She loves it now though. She sits in it a few times each day for 10-20 minutes without complaint

This is the little mush the night she got her ears pierced.

And this is one of the first smiles I actually captured on film... sad that it took me so long. I'm going to be better about keeping my camera on me.

* She weighs 12lbs. 5oz.

*Addie easily sleeps 9-11.5 hours every night.

*She loves her hands, and puts them in her mouth nearly every chance she gets.

* She smiles all.the.time.

*Addie takes 3 naps everyday, and usually goes down without tears, and sometimes sleeping for 2 hours stretches.

* When she wakes up she is always happy... and is usually busy talking to herself until I go get her.

* Her hair is still super short... but I can definitely tell it's growing. We'll get it into a clippie eventually. And it's still pretty red. I'm amazed at how red it is really. We'll have to see if it stays that way. It's actually more of an auburn color. b.e.autiful.

*Her eyes are hard to figure out. Sometimes they're dark, and I swear they'll be brown, and then there are days they are so blue that I think there's no way they'll ever go brown. Time will tell.

* Overall, she is a perfect baby, really. She rarely fusses, unless something is truly bothering her.

**Now... If only I could figure out how to stop the clocks... time is seriously going way too fast!!

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