Thursday, September 17, 2009

Our baby is 4 months old!

Addie girl is four months old! Really?!

Well, I uploaded these pictures totally backwards, which is so annoying, but I don't want to spend the time changing them around, so here you have it.

Addie rolled from her stomach to her back! (pay no attention to the dates on the pictures, they're off. I really need to get that fixed)

She took her first plane ride across the country, and was awesome!

* She's a talker these days!

* Addie drools... A LOT! Really, if we don't put a bib on her, she's soaked.

* Along with drooling she constantly makes spit bubbles. I'm pretty sure she hasn't completely figured out how to swallow all of her spit.

* Her eyes are still to be determined, though in my opinion, they seem dark most days, so we may have a brown eyed girl over here!

* Addie was given a name and a blessing in church!

* Her hair is still pretty dang red. Crazy... I never thought red hair would be a possibility.

* Addie enjoys tummy time for a 5-10 minutes 3 or 4 times a day. She's got super strong neck muscles!

* No rice cereal yet for my babe. Dean started around 4 months, but as far as Addie's concerned, I'm just not ready to give her solids yet. It'll mean she's growing up... and that's happening way to fast for me this time around!

*Addie still wears 0-3 month clothing, and just moved into a size 2 diaper.
*She loves to sit in her bumbo, and super loves playing with toys that make fun sounds.

Weight: 14 lbs.- 61%
Length: 24 in.- 41%
Head: 16 in.- 42%

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