Friday, September 18, 2009

The good with the bad

Deano has been all sorts of difficult these days it seems. He's almost always defiant, he back talks like it's nobodys business, he throws is toys, food, sippy cup, you name it. Don't even think about asking him to clean up his toys or messes, your voice will just go hoarse asking him over and over again. And eating meals? We can easily spend an hour + getting him to eat, what with all the getting up and playing during meal time.

But ya know, he can be the sweetest boy in the whole world. Last night, he told Matt he needed me to come say goodnight to him one last time. When I sat down beside him, he wrapped those little arms around me and said "I your best boy ever mom!"

And just before that little happening, both Matt and I had been in there to love on him. He loves that personal time with just mom and dad. He put an arm around each of us and said "Hi guys. (big grin) Please lay down wis me a little bit." How could we resist?

He loves is little Addie more than anything really. I can't count how many times I've found his toys sitting around her because he wanted her to have something to play with. And only a few minutes ago, while she was playing on the floor, he noticed a bit of spit up on her bib and on the floor, so he ran to the bathroom to grab some tissue to clean her up. I didn't even have to ask him to do that.

After he's been naughty or been sitting in time out, he's always quick to give and recieve loves. He hates being in trouble. I could never refuse a tight squeeze my thick little love.

When he's really being difficult, I have to remember, he's 3. He's still learning, and I have to teach him.

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