Thursday, November 19, 2009

A Week of Thanks

I've wanted to do a post of the things I'm grateful for in my life but just never seem to get around to it. I guess now couldn't be a better time, right?

1) I'm thankful for medicine during this flu season! With how sick we've been over the last week, medicine has been so great in helping get us all back on our feet!
2) I'm thankful for my beautiful kids. I know this one goes without saying, but still, I don't think I could ever say it enough. Their sweet personalities and crazy adorableness (I know it's probably not a word, okay?) is enough to melt anyone's heart, so just imagine what it does to mine!
3) I'm thankful I have the perfect dad for my kids. He really is top notch. I'm not just saying that. He's so involved and hands on, and his kids will never ever question his love for them.
4) I'm thankful that Deano loves his Ad! He's 3... so I think we got pretty lucky with him not resenting or ignoring her.
5) I'm thankful for my family... the ones I get to see everyday, and the ones I wish I could see everyday. My mom used to tell us that we needed to be best friends when we were little and would fight. She was so right. Family really is everything.
*Turns out this was more difficult that I thought. I could write a thousand things each day, so picking only a few proved challenging.

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