I had my 34 week OB appointment Thursday and all was well. I didn't even freak out about the weight gain this time, because it was actually reasonable. I was however measuring 3 weeks larger, so my doctor decided I needed an ultrasound to see how big the baby is and how much fluid I'm carrying. So Friday evening I went for the scan. She (yep, definitely a she this time) measured about 5lbs. 10oz., which put her about a week ahead. Not that I'm surprised, I kind of expect to have a bigger than average baby. And... we could see her hair floating around! I'm not going to have a bald little girl! We could see her eyelashes too. During the whole thing, she was sucking on her big toe, which I thought was adorable. Anyway, the reason I seem to be measuring so much larger is because I have about double the normal amount of fluid. Really, it's not a big deal. I had the same problem with Dean. But my doctor is pretty cautious, so he may send us to a perinatologist just to get a better feel as to why I seem to have so much extra lately. Not that I'd mind, since it's just another oppertunity to see my little girl again. Guess we'll have to wait until Monday to see what he thinks.
And yes... we're still playing the name game around here. 4 weeks and 5 days until the induction, and we haven't made a decision. I hate that I can't call her by her name. We're toying around with Lilah and Addie... and I'm trying to convince my husband that he likes Ava, but I'm not sure that one will actually make it into the mix. Any suggestions or votes?
Arches 2024
1 hour ago
Hey Sue!! Joseph showed me how to use my Google Reader so I've finally been able to be updated on people's blogs. It's awesome. I highly recommend it. If you name her Lilah our kids could totally have the same name! (Not that I'm pregnant or anything! Haha!) I heard that name a few years ago and just fell in love with it. We'll spell it Lyla. Your spelling is super cute too. It reminds me of Delilah. When I saw your post and saw the name I started singing "Hey there Delilah..." So fun. You have such good taste in names. I LOVE Ava! I never either thought of that one. Addie is super cute too. So many good names to choose from. Sorry, that probably isn't helpful at all. I don't have a vote. All three are SUPER cute! Good pickin' and good luck. Go with what you love and what feels right. Who knows, you could see her and the name could just come to you. Maybe... :)
I am voting for Lilah or you could spell it Laila! Thats been my favorite so far for sure! Suggestions...Tycee, Reagan, Sabree, Rylee, Averie, thats all I can think of right now! Whatever you guys choose it will fit her just right...it always does!
I really like Lilah. But I would prounounce it LIL-UH. :) Like lil'.
Good luck. All the names are cute.
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